Transforming the Landscape of medicine

HLA Typing:

Unveiling Genetic Markers for Transplantation and Immunogenetics

At Genomic Genetics, we specialize in HLA typing, a crucial component of transplantation and immunogenetics. Our advanced HLA typing services provide valuable insights into the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, facilitating accurate matching for organ and tissue transplantation and supporting immunogenetic research.

Understanding HLA Typing

The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system plays a vital role in immune responses and compatibility between individuals. HLA typing involves analyzing specific genes within the HLA complex to determine an individual's unique HLA genotype. This genotype is represented by a combination of alleles, which are variants of genes within the HLA region.

Accurate HLA Typing Services

At Genomic Genetics, we offer accurate and comprehensive HLA typing services using state-of-the-art technologies and validated methodologies. Our HLA typing services include:

  1. High-Resolution HLA Typing: We employ advanced genotyping techniques to analyze multiple HLA loci, including HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1, and others. This high-resolution typing provides detailed information about the specific alleles present in each individual.
  2. HLA Allele Identification: Through our comprehensive HLA typing, we identify specific HLA alleles, which are crucial for determining compatibility between donors and recipients in transplantation. Accurate allele identification is essential for minimizing the risk of graft rejection and improving transplantation outcomes.
  3. Donor-Recipient Matching: Our HLA typing services facilitate the matching process by assessing the compatibility between potential organ or tissue donors and recipients. By considering HLA compatibility, healthcare providers can enhance the success rates and long-term survival of transplanted organs.

Expert Analysis and Interpretation

Genomic Genetics is equipped with a team of skilled genetic specialists and scientists who possess extensive experience in HLA typing.  We meticulously analyze and interpret the HLA typing data, providing comprehensive reports to healthcare professionals and transplant teams.

Advancing Transplantation and Immunogenetics

HLA typing plays a critical role in optimizing transplantation procedures and improving patient outcomes. By identifying suitable donor-recipient matches based on HLA compatibility, healthcare providers can enhance the success and longevity of transplanted organs and tissues. HLA typing also contributes to advancements in immunogenetic research, leading to innovative therapies and personalized treatment strategies.

Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals

At Genomic Genetics, we prioritize collaboration with healthcare professionals, transplant centers, and researchers to advance the field of transplantation and immunogenetics. We offer seamless integration of HLA typing services into clinical practices, providing comprehensive support, consultation, and expert guidance. Our goal is to work closely with our partners to ensure the highest standards of care and successful transplant outcomes.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Genomic Genetics is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of patient information and genetic data. We adhere to strict legal and ethical guidelines to safeguard the privacy of our clients. Our robust data protection measures ensure that sensitive information remains secure throughout the HLA typing process.

Unlock the Power of HLA Typing with Genomic Genetics

Discover the invaluable insights provided by HLA typing in transplantation and immunogenetics. Contact Genomic Genetics today to learn more about our accurate and comprehensive HLA typing services, schedule a consultation, and partner with us to optimize transplant outcomes and advance research in immunogenetics.

HLA- Disease Associated

1.     Abacavir Hypersensitivity - HLA B*57:01- is associated with significantly increased risk of hypersensitivity reactions,when Abacavir is administered. Screening is recommended prior to starting thetreatment.


2.     Allopurinol Hypersensitivity- HLA B*58:01- is associated with increased risk for cutaneous reactions (SCAR)


3.     Carbamazepine Hypersensitivity-HLA A*31:01-increases the risk of maculopapular exanthema, systematic systems. HLA-B*15:02- affects the skin, including toxic epidermal necrolysis.


4.     Celiac Disease – HLA-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01, DQ8– the presence of these alleles is utilized in concert with an autoimmuneresponse associated with gluten peptides crossing the intestinal barrier. This triggersa response that attacks the villi of the small intestines, leading tomalabsorption, fatigue and joint pain, infertility and other conditions.


5.     Ankylosing Spondylitis -HLA-B27 – there is astrong association between this condition and the HLA-B27 antigen.


6.     Reiter’s Syndrome -HLA-B27- is an inflammatorypolyarthritis, that is most common in young men.


7.     Juvenile Arthritis-HLA-B27-the most commoninflammatory arthropathy in children.


8.     Acute Anterior Uveitis -HLA-B27 -the most commonform of inflammatory eye disease, in various populations.


9.     Behcet’s Disease – HLA-B51- is stronglyassociated with increased risk of this condition, characterized bymucocutaneous lesions and ocular involvement.


10.  Birdshot Chorioretinopathy- HLA-A29 -is a rareform of uveitis, affects the retina and choroid of the eye, causes floaters(specs), flashes, night blindness and blurry vision.


11.  Narcolepsy- HLA-DQB1*06:02 – strong associationcharacterized by unusual sleep cycles.


12.  Rheumatoid Arthritis-HLA-DR4- role ininfluencing susceptibility and severity of the disease.


13.  Psoriasis-HLA-B27, CW6- a chronic inflammatoryand hyperproliferative skin condition.


14.  IL-1 and IL-6 Inhibitors Hypersensitivity – drugreaction with eosinophilia and symptoms associated with in children.


15.  Pemphigus Vulgaris-DRB1*04, DRB1*14, DRB1*08- affectsthe skin and mucous membranes such as the inside of the mouth.


We have Over 20 years of experience

A lab tech looks through a microscope
molecular assay


We specialize in helping patients access the resources they need to live long and healthy lives.

More than 100,000 people are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants worldwide.
In the US the national average wait time for transplant is:
Kidney – 5 years.
    Liver – 11 months.
    Heart – 4 months.
    Lung – 4 months.
    Kidney / Pancreas – 1.5 years.
    Pancreas – 2 years.

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expert members



high-quality clinics



successful treatments
